A study shows that 10% of the population worldwide suffers from chronic kidney disease, and millions die each year due to lack of access to affordable treatment. The study also reports  that more than 2 lakh people are diagnosed with renal disease each year in India. Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs that rest under the […]

How Ayurveda Manages & Cures Kidney/Renal Stones

Ayurvedic Kidney Care

In Sanskrit, Kidney/Renal Stones are also known as Ashmari. Renal/Kidney Stones are among the most common and distressing ailments among urinary disorders and one of the leading causes of abdominal pain today. Urolithiasis, also known as renal stones, is the presence of stones in the urinary system such as the bladder, kidney, ureter and urethra. […]

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Yet another silent killer

Hypertension Treatment

Are you taking daily tablets for your BP problem?Are you suffering from side effects from your daily medication?Do you know the real cause of high BP?Is your condition putting unnecessary strain on other organs?Do you believe herbal medicines, a simple diet and natural treatment can improve your high BP condition? If the answer is yes, […]

Holistic Treatment For Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Holistic Treatment For CKD Chronic Kidney Disease

On a global scale, we have witnessed the world population growth significantly. Apart from that, there has been a shift from decreased mortality from communicable diseases to an increased burden of non-communicable diseases like Asthma, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Chronic Kidney Disease among others. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a progressive disease. The conventional treatment […]

Diabetes, CKD and Kidney Care

Ayurvedic Kidney Stone Treatment

On how many occasions are friends inquiring if you know of a reputable kidney doctor in Mumbai or a kidney specialist in Mumbai or even for the best kidney treatment in Pune or other cities? Instead of only directing them to a specialist in kidney treatment, I would also suggest they visit a holistic multi-speciality […]

Cancer: The Dreaded Word

Cancer Ayurveda

What is Cancer? There are more than 100 types of cancers identified, which can affect any part of the body. Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells that directly penetrate and destroy one’s healthy body tissue. These cells divide rapidly and spread to other parts of the body if not controlled in time. This disease […]

Diabetes Cure: Ayurveda with Modern Medicine

Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatment

Are you borderline diabetic? How will you reverse prediabetes? How can you avoid diabetes if it runs in the family? Can herbal medicine help? What are the therapies and lifestyle changes for diabetes to stall the disease? How to prevent diabetes naturally? The answer lies in Ayurveda principles along with modern medicine. The word Ayurveda […]

Holistic Treatment (Natural Healing Process) for Todays Ailments

Holistic Treatment (Natural Healing Process) for Todays Ailments

As fast and furious as the progress in the field of medical science, so much more is the need we feel to go back to our roots. With the onset of modern medicine, advanced medical technology and super-speciality hospitals, the health care industry in India has moved away from the age-old home cures and herbal […]

Ayurveda can Cure Parkinson’s. Believe It!

Ayurvedic Treatment

Is Parkinson’s an age-old degenerative disease? Yes, since its mention is in our ancient Vedas. The symptoms: The cause:1. Lifestyle: A balanced lifestyle and a healthy body mean balanced doshas in the body. Excess Vata Dosha in the body can cause Parkinson’s disease (Kampavata). 2. Genes: Though not always, there is a risk of Parkinson’s […]

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