Holistic Treatment (Natural Healing Process) for Todays Ailments
As fast and furious as the progress in the field of medical science, so much more is the need we feel to go back to our roots.
With the onset of modern medicine, advanced medical technology and super-speciality hospitals, the health care industry in India has moved away from the age-old home cures and herbal medicines and healthy lifestyles. Physical work is replaced by desk jobs and active existence by sedentary lifestyles. Healthy bodies and natural healing processes have been replaced by modern medicine’s quick fix.
In India, over the years Ayurveda, an ancient medicine system, mainly derived from plants, metal and minerals has been treating numerous ailments. Ayurveda based on the doshas (called Vata, Pitta and Kapha), believe that a balance of these doshas helps to maintain good health, while an imbalance can cause disease. It teaches the importance of diet, exercise forms and lifestyle techniques to prevent sickness and keep the body healthy. It is an ancient science of alternative medicine and alternative healing distinct from modern allopath medicine.
Holistic wellness and holistic therapy are reshaping modern healthcare. It combines preventive Ayurveda medicine with allopathic medicine and natural treatments to bring about a long term cure or a complete recovery from any ailment. A holistic approach to disease is all about educating the patient towards overall healthcare. Holistic medicine is also known as person-centred medicine (PCM).
What is holistic medicine?
Holistic medicine is a form of complete healing which addresses both, an individual’s mind and body. It is a combination of physical health and mental wellbeing. Holistic medicine inculcates a proper mind-body balance. What is the root cause of a medical condition is that which holistic healing addresses.
Our body is made up of several organs. The brain sends positive or negative stimuli to these organs affecting their functioning. When negative stimuli like stress affect the smooth functioning of any organ, it could cause a domino effect by affecting other related organs. The imbalance caused in the physical and emotional being needs to be tackled. Holistic healthcare encompasses alternative treatments and complementary therapies with self-awareness and medication. It is not about allopathic medicine v/s holistic medicine but about combining the two to address the ailment and work towards full recovery and a permanent cure to the illness, which is affecting the patient.
Since holistic healing is based on the principle that the underlying cause of the disease can be mental-emotional stress and trauma, caused by various external factors, the goal is to heal the mind first in order to heal the body.
In holistic healing or natural healing, holistic doctors educate their patients to change their way of thinking, adopting healthier lifestyles as a preventive technique to help them develop their own healing ability. Practitioners of holistic healing educate and help their patients understand the importance of the mind-body connection.
Holistic care is a philosophy based on the idea of holism that views a person’s whole body as being greater than the sum of its parts. It is the science of concurrently treating the patient’s body and mind.
Thereby, the relationship between holistic doctor and patient is one of trust, openness and patience. Holistic healthcare doctors have to deal with their patients’ overall mindset, which comprises of his thoughts, his emotions, his attitudes, and his overall nurturing. In the process of recovery, patients are encouraged to take part in the self-healing process. Healthcare offered by holistic care practitioners and holistic doctors include treatments based around diet, exercise, behavioural alterations, counselling, natural medicines, herbal medicines, natural therapies and treatments.
They believe that while the body is built in a way that it can heal, treat or cure any disease, their organic medicine and treatment prepares the body to fight the disease on its own restoring an overall balance.
A holistic doctor mostly integrates conventional modern medication with alternative therapies, to treat a patient. The treatment is not limited to allopathic medications to address the specific problem but the holistic doctor will take a look at all the potential factors that may be causing the medical condition. The patient’s diet, sleep cycles, food habits, stress levels and personal practices are taken into account. The treatment plan may involve drugs to relieve symptoms, but also introduce lifestyle changes to help prevent the problem from recurring.
Holistic treatment may limit modern western medicine by introducing herbal medicines. It also stresses upon –
1. Educating the patient to make certain lifestyle changes
2. Self-care in the long run to promote and maintain overall wellness
3. Introduction of balanced diet and exercise for a healthy body
4. Counseling and addressing mental issues like stress, personal relationships
Therefore, it is important while choosing a holistic doctor, you consider the following-
Credibility – Before choosing the holistic medicine doctor, visit his website, check the testimonials, view the videos of his work and ensure it is a credible healthcare organization.
Professionalism – Is the doctor trained in holistic medicine? Is he a certified professional in the field?
Treatment – Understand the doctors’ line of treatment and how it resonates with your views and background. After all, it is self-healing so you should be able to imbibe the changes required in the healing process that the doctor recommends. Make sure the treatment goes well beyond pills.
Trust – A holistic doctor in order to understand you, as a whole person and not just a disease, will need to take into account your life history. You should feel comfortable answering questions about your diet, exercise, sleep habits, your emotions, your religious beliefs, your personal relationships, your fears etc.
Time – A holistic doctor will require spending sufficient time with you to gather a full understanding of the root cause of the problem.
The treatment is long drawn so choose a doctor who can provide you with his time for repeated visits.
An established holistic centre will provide
– Thorough Diagnosis
– Counseling the patient
– Healing the body internally and externally
– Treating any related ailments
– Prevention from recurrence of the ailment
Conclusion: While modern medicine emphasizes getting rid of physical symptoms, holistic medicine invests in the overall changes in lifestyle to restore mind and body balance. It teaches the patients to adopt a slow and effective way to heal them. Today a good multispecialty holistic clinic is able to provide complete health restore mind-body package to treat various diseases with well-researched own medicines and treatments based on natural ingredients. With good health and wellbeing being the primary concern today, the future of healthcare is holistic healing.